Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday 14th October meeting

Started at :2pm Finished at: 2.45pm

Where?: Cafeteria

Next Meeting: Wednesday at 2pm

Scenario: In Texas Governor is killed under suspicious circumstances.

Victim: Governor

Plot: Governor gets murdered.

After the meeting the Gov. is found dead by cleaner

All suspects found at murder scene - Murder scene in Gov.'s House.

They cannot leave the house until someone confesses.

All have a motive for the murder.

Found after a meeting.

Person 1: Developer, looking for planning which Gov. denied.

Person 2: Gov. Lover, jilted by Gov. who has gone back to his wife

Person 3: Lover’s ex, found out about affair.

Person 4: Business man, dodgy dealings, forced to support Gov. because Gov. knew about these dealings.

Person 5: Head of water board, who’s been diverting water for money and Gov., was investigating.

Person 6: Assistant, fiddling the book. Gov. investigating this.

Have to choose who does the character profiling for each person.

Autopsy: Aoife

Police report and Scene layout: Sarah

Designing Box: Aisling

How to Play…

  1. Characters are picked before the dinner is set.
  2. At dinner, each person tells the other why they didn’t do it.
  3. Split up around the house, asking questions to each other.
  4. Play for one hour, sit down and each person has 1 guess for murderer then after everyone guess’s, find out who he was.
  5. 2 cards for each person, one with character profile on it and 1 for if you are the murderer or not.

Who attended this meeting: Aisling, Aoife, Seamus and Sarah.

All first draughts to be in for next meeting on reports, scene and designing.

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